Know Who We Are

Divine Light Holistic Healing Center

Welcome to Divine light !! It is a place to relax, recharge and rejuvenate. A place to meditate, heal, transform, learn and practice, to discover deep contentment, inner peace, joy and love.

Here at Divine Light Holistic Healing Center, we help every individual to attain wellness in every dimension and aspect of life ─ mental, emotional, physical, social and spiritual.

We are working towards making a better environment, community, society and culture that promotes better health, mental peace and emotional stability, happy life and overall wellness and well-being of a person as a whole.

To realize our vision, the healing center offers a wide range of life changing daily practice, natural non-invasive therapies, workshops and personal sessions, retreats and training for the benefits of individual and group with the help of following techniques:

  • Individual and group meditations
  • Holistic healing therapies
  • Community development
  • Holistic health awareness campaign
  • Wellness entrepreneurship development
  • Employee wellness program


Through our various wellness programs, workshops, and other services, you can learn new ways to manage and reduce stress, anxiety, worry, anger, depression, insomnia, fatigue, substance abuse recovery, family/parenting stress and revitalize your mind and body. These resources can help you become more relaxed, peaceful and focused, so you can respond to life with more clarity.

At Divine Light, we see Yoga, meditation and holistic healing arts as both a practice rooted in ancient history and a topic of modern science. This is why we are as equally committed to providing authentic expertise in Yoga and Meditation and also studying the science of alternative therapies. We recognize that the only way to know if we are achieving our goal of improving the health and happiness of the world is to measure it.

At the healing center, we offer variety of natural healing modalities that help us to improve our health and life at all levels (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) so that we can live up to the perfect wellness and well-being through balancing energies, heal our mind, body and soul and to raise our vibrations to higher potential.


Our mission is to aware, educate, awaken and support the community in Holistic Healing and growing individually and as a whole.To provide access to authentic natural health information and products that revolutionize your journey for better life.

In October 2018, we have started providing coaching, in collaboration with Center of Entrepreneurship Development (CED), an organization of Gujarat government, to other wellness entrepreneurs/aspirants to start up and set up their own Holistic health clinics and business ventures. We successfully introduced a new module of EDP, specially crafted and designed for wellness-preneurs.

Our Mission & Vision

Our approach is based on the principle of unifying a variety of modalities and tools for creating health, well-being, and a deep spiritual connection and to provide a safe and nurturing community for transformation and growth. 

Wellness Space

To provide sacred space for those seeking a better quality of life. We strive to present an authentic expression of wellness while honoring a diversity of practices and belief systems. To grow the healing center as a place of restoration, relaxation and rejuvenation for all human where they feel free to express their selves and their deeper truth. To expand its reach in society as a peaceful space to meditate, exchange knowledge, ideas, spiritual wisdom, holistic healing, wellness and well-being with the principals of kindness, friendship and compassion. To help people achieve their inner peace, enhance inner joy, realize their true potential and master their own life. To provide space and ambiance where you can access your higher potential and feel more peaceful, relax and more comfortable.

Self-healing and Transformation

We strive to be a safe container for the growth and transformation of all beings who come to us. As an educational and healing center, we know that experiencing many aspects of the Healing Arts involves personal growth and transformation, indeed it is our greatest hope to be a facilitator for your journey. We are committed to holding space for the transformation and healing of all our guests, students and practitioners. This means we practice directed consciousness and mindfulness when working with anyone who is going through change. It means we can hold with compassion and acceptance whatever emotions and changes a student or a member may be experiencing in a sacred way that honors their journey. “Peace in oneself is peace in the world”. Thich Nhat Hahn

Support System

To help in your spiritual quest, to assist you be your true higher self and deepen your knowledge about life and its purpose. We are here to assist you in your inward journey of self-healing to find optimum health, wellness and well-being. We guide you on your personal transformation paths and help you to be more at peace with yourself and the world, so that you reflect your inner light and new found wisdom to the world around you. Our intention is not to simply bring you a healthier body and peace of mind. These are the byproducts of the services offered at Divine light. Our aim is to guide, nurture and support your practice in the art of being human. To inspire your exploration of the experience of oneness, the cultivation of a mind capable of concentration and a heart free of judgment. The gifts of this mystical journey happen to include a radiant body and a joyful existence.

Evidence-Based Approach

Mind-body medicine is based on the scientific understanding of the inextricable connection among our thoughts, sensations and feelings, and our mind, body, and spirit – between ourselves and the social and natural world in which we live. Our approach to wellness is grounded in practical, evidence-based skills for self-care, nutrition, self-awareness, and group support. Our Holistic health practices are scientifically validated to reduce stress and restore physical and psychological health.

Building Community

To build a community of like-minded people, positive thinkers, healers, meditators and Yogis. Holistic Health is actively involved in the community, both locally and globally, as a way of providing service and showing gratitude. As a community of spiritually guided educators, we strive to be a beacon of wellness to our community and worldwide. It is why we approach our students, our communities, and our world from a position of gratefully giving back for what Spirit has given us. We believe the best way we can help our communities and world is to ask humbly, authentically, and openly, “How may we be of service today?”

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Tresha Rathod
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Kritika Rathod