The workplace can be a strong contributor to mental wellbeing, giving people the opportunity to feel productive and achieve their potential.

“Employee wellness” isn’t just a buzzword. Workplace and employee wellness programs have been around for decades, and in addition to improving employee health, they can also be a boon for your bottom line. Traditional wellness programs have focused on things like physical activity and healthy eating. We are considering a Holistic approach towards wellness program that combines more aspects of employees’ lives to improve total health. 

Holistic wellness programs — those that go beyond a fitness membership to address the overall well-being of the whole individual, not just physical health but also mental and emotional wellbeing.

What does “wellness” mean? Is it about eating right and exercising? Is it about feeling happy? About having good relationships with others? All of the above certainly come under the wellness banner, which means that ideally, they should be part of an employee wellness program. A holistic wellness program addresses aspects of health and well-being, and goes beyond just physical needs.

The National Wellness Institute created a “Six Dimensions of Wellness” model, which breaks down wellness into six categories: occupations, physical, social, intellectual, spiritual, and emotional. (In recent years, some researchers have added a seventh dimension: environmental wellness.)

We help you create and design a well-rounded Wellness Program for your employees, considering your company’s needs, with a holistic approach to wellness that will address as many of these dimensions as possible.

Running a business with unhealthy and unhappy employees is like trying to drive a car with a bad engine. It may eventually get you where you want to go, but the trip will be difficult and you’ll waste time and resources.

Sheana Abrahams
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