Holistic Healing Therapies

Here at Divine Light Holistic Healing Center, we believe that everyone possess a natural inner power to heal and transform our mind, body and life and to lead it in a way that we always want to.


Healing work at Divine Light is based on the understanding that human being is first and foremost a spiritual being seeking to express its true self through its mental, physical and emotional bodies.


The various natural, non-invasive, alternative and holistic healing therapies all seek, in one way or another, to address the client on a deeper energetic level within a safe space of care, love, comfort and  touch.


Each therapy honours and strives to work in harmony with the mind, body and soul. Every holistic healing modality harmonizes with the divine intelligence of human body, recognizing the deep wisdom that the higher self is the only ultimate healer.


We encourage you to open and receive healing on a physical, emotional and spiritual levels. The healing session is dedicated to personal wholeness, offering a rounded program for complete healing on all levels.


Healing center is a safe and gentle environment for people to discover the gifts of clarity and healing. We have created a space where an individual can feel safe to pursue his or her own development, enjoy the benefits and attend a wide variety of experiential workshops and training programs.

The natural healing force in each one of us is the greatest force in getting well.





To heal is to touch with Love, that which we previously touched with fear

Stephen Levine




Holistic health care focuses on an individual caring for their mind, body, and soul through various methods. The holistic approach takes into consideration a whole person versus mainstream medicine of looking simply at presenting symptoms to diagnose. It promotes Six Dimensions of wellness: emotional, occupational, physical, social, intellectual, and spiritual. Addressing all six dimensions of wellness in our lives builds a holistic sense of wellness and fulfillment. 

Physical Health

On a physical level, it supports the body's natural ability to heal itself, helping to release blockages, toxins, and relieve pain. Getting in touch with natural healing energy, it can also help you to make better choices in your nutrition, become more aware and in tune with your body, helping you to develop greater awareness of your body's needs.

Mental Health

On a mental level, it can help you to witness your thoughts and negative patterns. Once you become aware of your thoughts, you have the power to change them. This is about learning about your thoughts and becoming aware of your thoughts, so you can consciously make a decision whether the thoughts are serving you or not and make healthy choice for yourself.

Emotional Health

On an emotional level, it can help you get in touch with the depths of your emotions and can help you to transform whatever energy you would like to transform. It can help you cultivate more positive emotions, such as love, compassion, kindness, connection, sharing, intimacy and more, cope effectively with life and build satisfying relationships with others.

Spiritual Health

On a spiritual level, it can help you to love and accept yourself. To have self-compassion and compassion for others. It can help you to connect with the divine and help you to feel that you are a part of something larger. It feels like coming home, connected, loved, and to know that you are the part of this large thing called 'the Universe'.

Social Health

On Social level, it helps in relating, interacting and communicating well with others. It helps you to be comfortable in your own skin to be able to contribute and engage in a healthy living environment, to be at peace with people in all aspects of our lives, to live in harmony with others and our environment than to live in conflict with them.

Occupational Health

It helps to enhance our Occupational wellness - ability to feel fulfilled with our jobs and chosen career paths, with work-life balance; being involved in work activities that allow you to show your talents and skill set and to maximizing your workplace happiness-involves building relationships with coworkers, and managing workplace stress.

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